Toronto, Ontario, Canada


( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php on line 61
Call Stack
10.0001450104{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0001450456require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.12097221024require_once( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
40.12407322568apply_filters( $hook_name = 'template_include', $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../template-loader.php:104
50.12407322816WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php', $args = [0 => '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php'] ).../plugin.php:205
60.12407323464EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Framework\Blade\Hooks->actionTemplateInclude( $template = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
70.21419500408Illuminate\View\View->toHtml( ).../Hooks.php:59
80.21419500408Illuminate\View\View->render( $callback = ??? ).../View.php:493
90.21419500408Illuminate\View\View->renderContents( ).../View.php:160
100.21419500408Illuminate\View\View->getContents( ).../View.php:191
110.21419501104Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/views/pages/single-port.blade.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Toronto, Ontario, Canada', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 80; protected $lastPage = 7; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'CATOR'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../View.php:208
120.21429501640Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Toronto, Ontario, Canada', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 80; protected $lastPage = 7; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'CATOR'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../CompilerEngine.php:73
130.21429518280Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem->getRequire( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Toronto, Ontario, Canada', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 80; protected $lastPage = 7; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'CATOR'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../PhpEngine.php:58
140.21429519072Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::Illuminate\Filesystem\{closure:/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/vendor/illuminate/filesystem/Filesystem.php:120-124}( ).../Filesystem.php:124
150.21429521088require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php ).../Filesystem.php:123

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php on line 68
Call Stack
10.0001450104{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0001450456require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.12097221024require_once( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
40.12407322568apply_filters( $hook_name = 'template_include', $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../template-loader.php:104
50.12407322816WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php', $args = [0 => '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php'] ).../plugin.php:205
60.12407323464EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Framework\Blade\Hooks->actionTemplateInclude( $template = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
70.21419500408Illuminate\View\View->toHtml( ).../Hooks.php:59
80.21419500408Illuminate\View\View->render( $callback = ??? ).../View.php:493
90.21419500408Illuminate\View\View->renderContents( ).../View.php:160
100.21419500408Illuminate\View\View->getContents( ).../View.php:191
110.21419501104Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/views/pages/single-port.blade.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Toronto, Ontario, Canada', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 80; protected $lastPage = 7; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'CATOR'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../View.php:208
120.21429501640Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Toronto, Ontario, Canada', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 80; protected $lastPage = 7; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'CATOR'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../CompilerEngine.php:73
130.21429518280Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem->getRequire( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Toronto, Ontario, Canada', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 80; protected $lastPage = 7; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'CATOR'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../PhpEngine.php:58
140.21429519072Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::Illuminate\Filesystem\{closure:/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/vendor/illuminate/filesystem/Filesystem.php:120-124}( ).../Filesystem.php:124
150.21429521088require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php ).../Filesystem.php:123

Toronto, Ontario, Canada Itineraries

13 Nights

Great Lakes - Masterpieces Of Nature

Cruise Line Hapag-Lloyd Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Hanseatic Inspiration
Region Canada and East Coast US
Departure Port Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Destination Port Toronto, Ontario
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Mackinac Island, Michigan, Sault-Sainte-Marie, Ontario, Slate Islands, Canada, Silver Islet, Ontario, Battle Island, Sault-Sainte-Marie, Ontario, Killarney, Ontario, Parry Sound, Ontario, Tobermory, Ontario, Windsor, Ontario and Toronto, Ontario

From £8,500pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
29 Sep 24
7 Nights

Niagara & the Great Lakes

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Polaris
Region East Coast US and Canada
Departure Port Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Destination Port Toronto, Ontario
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Mackinac Island, Michigan, Alpena, Michigan, Detroit, Michigan, Point Pelee National Park, Ontario, Port Colborne, Ontario and Toronto, Ontario

From £5,795pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
01 Oct 24
14 Nights

Canada & East Coast Explorer

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Polaris
Region East Coast US and Canada
Departure Port Toronto, Ontario
Destination Port Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Toronto, Ontario, Trois-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Québec, Quebec City, Québec, Cap-aux-Meules, Magdalen Islands, Québec, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Norfolk, Virginia, Charleston, South Carolina and Fort Lauderdale, Florida

From £8,995pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
08 Oct 24
15 Nights

Canada & the Atlantic Coastline

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Octantis
Region East Coast US and Canada
Departure Port Toronto, Ontario
Destination Port Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Toronto, Ontario, Trois-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Québec, Quebec City, Québec, Cap-aux-Meules, Magdalen Islands, Québec, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, New York, New York, Norfolk, Virginia, Charleston, South Carolina and Fort Lauderdale, Florida

From £9,495pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
10 Oct 24
16 Nights

St Lawrence River And Nova Scotia - Canada's Lifeline Amidst Indian Summer Colours

Cruise Line Hapag-Lloyd Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Hanseatic Inspiration
Region Canada and East Coast US
Departure Port Toronto, Ontario
Destination Port Boston, Massachusetts
Toronto, Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Montréal, Québec, Quebec City, Québec, Tadoussac, Québec, Percé, Québec, Prince Edward and Marion Islands, Baddeck, Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Bar Harbor, Maine and Boston, Massachusetts

From £8,978pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
12 Oct 24
67 Nights

Longitudinal World Cruise V

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Octantis
Region World-wide
Departure Port Ushuaia
Destination Port Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ushuaia, West Point Island, Port Stanley, Antarctic Experience, Antarctica, Antarctic Experience, Antarctic Experience, South Georgia Island, South Georgia Island, South Georgia Island, Antarctic Experience, Ushuaia, Garibaldi Fjord, Alberto de Agostini National Park, Chilean Fjords, Punta Arenas, Chilean Fjords, Chilean Fjords, Puerto Chacabuco, Valparaiso, Iquique, Callao, Manta, Fuerte Amador, Cozumel, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Charleston, South Carolina, Norfolk, Virginia, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, Cap-aux-Meules, Magdalen Islands, Québec, Quebec City, Québec, Trois-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Québec, Toronto, Ontario, Port Colborne, Ontario, Point Pelee National Park, Ontario, Detroit, Michigan, Alpena, Michigan, Mackinac Island, Michigan, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Milwaukee, Wisconsin

From £64,995pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
21 Feb 25
14 Nights

Canada & East Coast Explorer

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Polaris
Region East Coast US, Canada and West Coast US
Departure Port Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Destination Port Toronto, Ontario
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Charleston, South Carolina, Norfolk, Virginia, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, Cap-aux-Meules, Magdalen Islands, Québec, Quebec City, Québec, Trois-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Québec and Toronto, Ontario

From £6,795pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
28 Mar 25
14 Nights

Canada & East Coast Explorer

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Octantis
Region East Coast US, Canada and West Coast US
Departure Port Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Destination Port Toronto, Ontario
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Charleston, South Carolina, Norfolk, Virginia, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, Cap-aux-Meules, Magdalen Islands, Québec, Quebec City, Québec, Trois-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Québec and Toronto, Ontario

From £6,795pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
08 Apr 25
12 Nights

Canadian Discovery

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Polaris
Region East Coast US and Canada
Departure Port Toronto, Ontario
Destination Port New York, New York
Toronto, Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Trois-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Québec, Quebec City, Québec, Saguenay, Québec, Sept-Iles, Québec, Cap-aux-Meules, Magdalen Islands, Québec, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Halifax, Nova Scotia and New York, New York

From £7,695pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
11 Apr 25
7 Nights

Niagara & the Great Lakes

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Octantis
Region East Coast US and Canada
Departure Port Toronto, Ontario
Destination Port Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Toronto, Ontario, Port Colborne, Ontario, Point Pelee National Park, Ontario, Detroit, Michigan, Alpena, Michigan, Mackinac Island, Michigan, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Milwaukee, Wisconsin

From £5,795pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
22 Apr 25
12 Nights

Canadian Discovery

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Polaris
Region East Coast US and Canada
Departure Port New York, New York
Destination Port Crossing the Welland Canal
New York, New York, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Cap-aux-Meules, Magdalen Islands, Québec, Sept-Iles, Québec, Saguenay, Québec, Quebec City, Québec, Trois-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Québec, Toronto, Ontario and Toronto, Ontario

From £7,995pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
23 Apr 25
7 Nights

Niagara & the Great Lakes

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type
Ship Viking Octantis
Region East Coast US and Canada
Departure Port Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Destination Port Toronto, Ontario
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Mackinac Island, Michigan, Alpena, Michigan, Detroit, Michigan, Point Pelee National Park, Ontario, Port Colborne, Ontario and Toronto, Ontario

From £5,795pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
29 Apr 25