Mombasa, Kenya


You may well find yourself in Mombasa for a few hours or an overnight stop. The city (which is actually an island linked to the mainland by a ferry) is the second oldest trade center with Arabia and the Far East. Today it still plays an important role as the main port for Kenya. Although it lacks the beautiful beaches of the north and south, it has a rich, fascinating history. Visit the Old Town with its narrow streets lined with tiny shops and souks (markets). The Old Harbour, frequented by numerous dhows, is an ideal place to arrange a short cruise on one of these local boats that have plied the oceans for centuries. Fort Jesus, designed by an Italian and built by the Portuguese in the late 16th century, is a major visitor draw and well worth a visit. In summer there's an impressive sound-and-light show.

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php on line 61
Call Stack
10.0000450104{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0000450456require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.13357221064require_once( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
40.13637322608apply_filters( $hook_name = 'template_include', $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../template-loader.php:104
50.13637322856WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php', $args = [0 => '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php'] ).../plugin.php:205
60.13637323504EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Framework\Blade\Hooks->actionTemplateInclude( $template = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
70.260113446752Illuminate\View\View->toHtml( ).../Hooks.php:59
80.260113446752Illuminate\View\View->render( $callback = ??? ).../View.php:493
90.260113446752Illuminate\View\View->renderContents( ).../View.php:160
100.260113446752Illuminate\View\View->getContents( ).../View.php:191
110.260113447448Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/views/pages/single-port.blade.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Mombasa, Kenya', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 21; protected $lastPage = 2; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'KEMBA'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../View.php:208
120.260113447984Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Mombasa, Kenya', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 21; protected $lastPage = 2; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'KEMBA'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../CompilerEngine.php:73
130.260113464624Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem->getRequire( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Mombasa, Kenya', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 21; protected $lastPage = 2; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'KEMBA'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../PhpEngine.php:58
140.260113465416Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::Illuminate\Filesystem\{closure:/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/vendor/illuminate/filesystem/Filesystem.php:120-124}( ).../Filesystem.php:124
150.260113467432require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php ).../Filesystem.php:123

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php on line 68
Call Stack
10.0000450104{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0000450456require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.13357221064require_once( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
40.13637322608apply_filters( $hook_name = 'template_include', $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../template-loader.php:104
50.13637322856WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php', $args = [0 => '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php'] ).../plugin.php:205
60.13637323504EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Framework\Blade\Hooks->actionTemplateInclude( $template = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
70.260113446752Illuminate\View\View->toHtml( ).../Hooks.php:59
80.260113446752Illuminate\View\View->render( $callback = ??? ).../View.php:493
90.260113446752Illuminate\View\View->renderContents( ).../View.php:160
100.260113446752Illuminate\View\View->getContents( ).../View.php:191
110.260113447448Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/views/pages/single-port.blade.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Mombasa, Kenya', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 21; protected $lastPage = 2; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'KEMBA'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../View.php:208
120.260113447984Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Mombasa, Kenya', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 21; protected $lastPage = 2; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'KEMBA'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../CompilerEngine.php:73
130.260113464624Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem->getRequire( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Mombasa, Kenya', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 21; protected $lastPage = 2; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'KEMBA'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../PhpEngine.php:58
140.260113465416Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::Illuminate\Filesystem\{closure:/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/vendor/illuminate/filesystem/Filesystem.php:120-124}( ).../Filesystem.php:124
150.260113467432require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php ).../Filesystem.php:123

Mombasa, Kenya Itineraries

137 Nights

Viking World Cruise

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Viking Sky
Region World-wide
Departure Port Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Destination Port London (Greenwich)
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Cozumel, Cartagena, Colón, Puntarenas, Cabo San Lucas, Los Angeles, California, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nawiliwili, Hawaii, Vaitape, Moorea, Papeete, Tahiti, Papeete, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Waitangi, Bay of Islands, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Sydney, New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Mooloolaba, Queensland, Airlie Beach, Cairns, Queensland, Cairns, Queensland, Thursday Island, Queensland, Darwin, Northern Territory, Rinca Island, Benoa, Bali, Benoa, Bali, Semarang, Jakarta, Jakarta, Singapore, Singapore, Port Klang, Georgetown, Penang, Georgetown, Penang, Phuket, Colombo, Colombo, Male, Victoria, Mahé, Mombasa, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Zanzibar, Hell-Ville, Maputo, Richards Bay, Durban, East London, Gqeberha (ex Port Elizabeth), Cape Town, Cape Town, Lüderitz, Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay, Luanda, Praia, Santiago Island, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Puerto de la Estaca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Agadir, Agadir, Casablanca, Casablanca, Cádiz, Algarve, Leixões, Vigo, La Coruña, Honfleur, Dover, London (Greenwich) and London (Greenwich)

From £47,990pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
19 Dec 24
179 Nights

Viking World Voyage I

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Viking Sky
Region World-wide
Departure Port Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Destination Port New York, New York
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Cozumel, Cartagena, Colón, Puntarenas, Cabo San Lucas, Los Angeles, California, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nawiliwili, Hawaii, Vaitape, Moorea, Papeete, Tahiti, Papeete, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Waitangi, Bay of Islands, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Sydney, New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Mooloolaba, Queensland, Airlie Beach, Cairns, Queensland, Cairns, Queensland, Thursday Island, Queensland, Darwin, Northern Territory, Rinca Island, Benoa, Bali, Benoa, Bali, Semarang, Jakarta, Jakarta, Singapore, Singapore, Port Klang, Georgetown, Penang, Georgetown, Penang, Phuket, Colombo, Colombo, Male, Victoria, Mahé, Mombasa, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Zanzibar, Hell-Ville, Maputo, Richards Bay, Durban, East London, Gqeberha (ex Port Elizabeth), Cape Town, Cape Town, Lüderitz, Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay, Luanda, Praia, Santiago Island, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Puerto de la Estaca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Agadir, Agadir, Casablanca, Casablanca, Cádiz, Algarve, Leixões, Vigo, La Coruña, Honfleur, Dover, London (Greenwich), London (Greenwich), London (Greenwich), Dover, Dun Laoghaire, Holyhead, Liverpool, Belfast, Ullapool, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, Newhaven/Edinburgh, Invergordon, Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Bergen, Bergen, Bergen, Geiranger, Narvik, Leknes, Tromsø, Honningsvåg, Longyearbyen, Longyearbyen, Isafjørdur, Reykjavík, Heimaey Island, Djúpivogur, Seydisfjørdur, Akureyri, Isafjørdur, Nanortalik, Qaqortoq (Julianehaab), L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland and Labrador, Halifax, Nova Scotia and New York, New York

From £99,990pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
19 Dec 24
162 Nights

Viking World Voyage II

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Viking Sky
Region World-wide
Departure Port Los Angeles, California
Destination Port New York, New York
Los Angeles, California, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nawiliwili, Hawaii, Vaitape, Moorea, Papeete, Tahiti, Papeete, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Waitangi, Bay of Islands, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Sydney, New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Mooloolaba, Queensland, Airlie Beach, Cairns, Queensland, Cairns, Queensland, Thursday Island, Queensland, Darwin, Northern Territory, Rinca Island, Benoa, Bali, Benoa, Bali, Semarang, Jakarta, Jakarta, Singapore, Singapore, Port Klang, Georgetown, Penang, Georgetown, Penang, Phuket, Colombo, Colombo, Male, Victoria, Mahé, Mombasa, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Zanzibar, Hell-Ville, Maputo, Richards Bay, Durban, East London, Gqeberha (ex Port Elizabeth), Cape Town, Cape Town, Lüderitz, Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay, Luanda, Praia, Santiago Island, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Puerto de la Estaca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Agadir, Agadir, Casablanca, Casablanca, Cádiz, Algarve, Leixões, Vigo, La Coruña, Honfleur, Dover, London (Greenwich), London (Greenwich), London (Greenwich), Dover, Dun Laoghaire, Holyhead, Liverpool, Belfast, Ullapool, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, Newhaven/Edinburgh, Invergordon, Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Bergen, Bergen, Bergen, Geiranger, Narvik, Leknes, Tromsø, Honningsvåg, Longyearbyen, Longyearbyen, Isafjørdur, Reykjavík, Heimaey Island, Djúpivogur, Seydisfjørdur, Akureyri, Isafjørdur, Nanortalik, Qaqortoq (Julianehaab), L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland and Labrador, Halifax, Nova Scotia and New York, New York

From £89,990pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
05 Jan 25
120 Nights

Viking World Journeys

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Viking Sky
Region World-wide
Departure Port Los Angeles, California
Destination Port London (Greenwich)
Los Angeles, California, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nawiliwili, Hawaii, Vaitape, Moorea, Papeete, Tahiti, Papeete, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Waitangi, Bay of Islands, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Sydney, New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Mooloolaba, Queensland, Airlie Beach, Cairns, Queensland, Cairns, Queensland, Thursday Island, Queensland, Darwin, Northern Territory, Rinca Island, Benoa, Bali, Benoa, Bali, Semarang, Jakarta, Jakarta, Singapore, Singapore, Port Klang, Georgetown, Penang, Georgetown, Penang, Phuket, Colombo, Colombo, Male, Victoria, Mahé, Mombasa, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Zanzibar, Hell-Ville, Maputo, Richards Bay, Durban, East London, Gqeberha (ex Port Elizabeth), Cape Town, Cape Town, Lüderitz, Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay, Luanda, Praia, Santiago Island, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Puerto de la Estaca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Agadir, Agadir, Casablanca, Casablanca, Cádiz, Algarve, Leixões, Vigo, La Coruña, Honfleur, Dover, London (Greenwich) and London (Greenwich)

From £42,990pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
05 Jan 25
19 Nights

Discover Seychelles, Tanzania and Kenya

Cruise Line Emerald Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Emerald Azzurra
Region Africa
Departure Port Mahé
Destination Port Mombasa
Mahé, Saint Anne, Alderney Island, Cousin Island, Praslin Island, Praslin Island, Praslin Island, La Digue, Curieuse Island, Curieuse Island, Curieuse Island, Aride Island, Mahé, Mahé, La Digue, Praslin Island, Amirantes Islands, Alphonse Islands, Farquhar Islands, Aldabra Atoll, Aldabra Atoll, Aldabra Atoll, Kilwa Kisiwani, Zanzibar and Mombasa

From £12,573pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
02 Feb 25
12 Nights

Seychelles & Indian Ocean Adventure

Cruise Line Emerald Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Emerald Azzurra
Region Indian Ocean
Departure Port Mahé
Destination Port Mombasa
Mahé, La Digue, Praslin Island, Amirantes Islands, Alphonse Islands, Farquhar Islands, Aldabra Atoll, Aldabra Atoll, Aldabra Atoll, Kilwa Kisiwani, Zanzibar and Mombasa

From £8,502pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
09 Feb 25
12 Nights

Seychelles & Indian Ocean Adventure

Cruise Line Emerald Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Emerald Azzurra
Region Indian Ocean
Departure Port Mombasa
Destination Port Mahé
Mombasa, Zanzibar, Kilwa Kisiwani, Aldabra Atoll, Aldabra Atoll, Aldabra Atoll, Farquhar Islands, Alphonse Islands, Amirantes Islands, Praslin Island, La Digue and Mahé

From Please Call

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
21 Feb 25
34 Nights

Asia Isles & Coasts of Africa

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Viking Sky
Region Asia
Departure Port Singapore
Destination Port Cape Town
Singapore, Port Klang, Georgetown, Penang, Georgetown, Penang, Phuket, Colombo, Colombo, Male, Victoria, Mahé, Mombasa, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Zanzibar, Hell-Ville, Maputo, Richards Bay, Durban, East London, Gqeberha (ex Port Elizabeth), Cape Town and Cape Town

From £13,090pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
01 Mar 25
59 Nights

59-Night Grand Africa Voyage

Cruise Line Azamara
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Azamara Journey
Region World-wide
Departure Port Lisbon
Destination Port Port Louis
Lisbon, Portimão, Casablanca, Agadir, Funchal, Madeira, La Palma, Canary Islands, San Sebastian de la Gomera, Tenerife, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Dakar, Banjul, Jamestown, Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay, Lüderitz, Cape Town, Cape Town, Mossel Bay, Gqeberha (ex Port Elizabeth), Richards Bay, Durban, Durban, Fort Dauphin (Toalagnaro), Pointe des Galets, Port Louis, Port Louis, Antsiranana, Nosy Bé, Mamoudzou, Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Mombasa, Mombasa, Port Victoria, Praslin Island and Port Louis

From £8,868pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
22 Nov 25
137 Nights

Viking World Cruise

Cruise Line Viking Ocean Cruises
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Viking Sky
Region World-wide
Departure Port Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Destination Port London (Greenwich)
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Cozumel, Cartagena, Colón, Puntarenas, Cabo San Lucas, Los Angeles, California, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nawiliwili, Hawaii, Vaitape, Moorea, Papeete, Tahiti, Papeete, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Waitangi, Bay of Islands, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Sydney, New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Brisbane, Queensland, Airlie Beach, Cairns, Queensland, Cairns, Queensland, Thursday Island, Queensland, Darwin, Northern Territory, Rinca Island, Benoa, Bali, Benoa, Bali, Semarang, Jakarta, Jakarta, Singapore, Singapore, Port Klang, Langkawi Island, Georgetown, Penang, Phuket, Colombo, Colombo, Male, Victoria, Mahé, Mombasa, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Zanzibar, Hell-Ville, Maputo, Richards Bay, Durban, East London, Gqeberha (ex Port Elizabeth), Cape Town, Cape Town, Lüderitz, Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay, Luanda, Praia, Santiago Island, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Puerto de la Estaca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Agadir, Agadir, Casablanca, Casablanca, Cádiz, Lisbon, Lisbon, Leixões, La Coruña, Honfleur, Dover, London (Greenwich) and London (Greenwich)

From £50,790pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
19 Dec 25
56 Nights

56-Night Grand Africa Voyage

Cruise Line Azamara
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Azamara Journey
Region World-wide
Departure Port Port Louis
Destination Port Lisbon
Port Louis, Antsiranana, Nosy Bé, Mamoudzou, Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Mombasa, Mombasa, Port Victoria, Praslin Island, Port Louis, Port Louis, Pointe des Galets, Fort Dauphin (Toalagnaro), Richards Bay, Durban, Gqeberha (ex Port Elizabeth), Mossel Bay, Cape Town, Cape Town, Lüderitz, Walvis Bay, Walvis Bay, Jamestown, Banjul, Dakar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Arrecife, Lanzarote, Agadir, Casablanca, Gibraltar, Seville, Seville, Seville and Lisbon

From £7,406pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
04 Jan 26
16 Nights

16-Night Africa Cruise: Mauritius, Seychelles & Madagascar

Cruise Line Azamara
Cruise Type Ocean
Ship Azamara Journey
Region Africa
Departure Port Port Louis
Destination Port Port Louis
Port Louis, Antsiranana, Nosy Bé, Mamoudzou, Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Mombasa, Mombasa, Port Victoria, Praslin Island and Port Louis

From £2,931pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
04 Jan 26