Viking Rurik

Ship Facts

Speed 14 Width 17
Length 125 Capacity 196
Currency Language en
Crew Count 110 Deck Count 5
Refit Year 2014 Cabin Count 98
Launch Year 1990 Gross Tonnage 5400
Electrical Plugs
US 2 Pin 110v
EU 2 Pin 220v
Adapters Provided N/A
Large Cabin Count N/A
Wheelchair Cabin Count N/A

Founder of Kyivan Rus and the Rurik Dynasty

In the 9th century, the Varangian prince Rurik established the birth of the Rurik Dynasty which ruled Kyivan Rus, the precursor to Russia. The name “Rus” comes from Ruotsi, the Finnish word for the Swedes, and means “the men who row.” There is a 9th-century funerary barrow in Novgorod Oblast that locals call Rurik’s grave.

Viking Rurik Itineraries