Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium


( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php on line 61
Call Stack
10.0001450104{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0001450456require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.11577221064require_once( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
40.11867322608apply_filters( $hook_name = 'template_include', $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../template-loader.php:104
50.11867322856WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php', $args = [0 => '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php'] ).../plugin.php:205
60.11867323504EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Framework\Blade\Hooks->actionTemplateInclude( $template = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
70.12709664616Illuminate\View\View->toHtml( ).../Hooks.php:59
80.12709664616Illuminate\View\View->render( $callback = ??? ).../View.php:493
90.12709664616Illuminate\View\View->renderContents( ).../View.php:160
100.12709664616Illuminate\View\View->getContents( ).../View.php:191
110.12709665312Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/views/pages/single-port.blade.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 101; protected $lastPage = 9; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'BEBRU'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../View.php:208
120.12719665848Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 101; protected $lastPage = 9; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'BEBRU'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../CompilerEngine.php:73
130.12719682488Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem->getRequire( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 101; protected $lastPage = 9; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'BEBRU'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../PhpEngine.php:58
140.12719683280Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::Illuminate\Filesystem\{closure:/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/vendor/illuminate/filesystem/Filesystem.php:120-124}( ).../Filesystem.php:124
150.12719685296require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php ).../Filesystem.php:123

( ! ) Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php on line 68
Call Stack
10.0001450104{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0001450456require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.11577221064require_once( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
40.11867322608apply_filters( $hook_name = 'template_include', $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../template-loader.php:104
50.11867322856WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php', $args = [0 => '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php'] ).../plugin.php:205
60.11867323504EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Framework\Blade\Hooks->actionTemplateInclude( $template = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/templates/page-port.php' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
70.12709664616Illuminate\View\View->toHtml( ).../Hooks.php:59
80.12709664616Illuminate\View\View->render( $callback = ??? ).../View.php:493
90.12709664616Illuminate\View\View->renderContents( ).../View.php:160
100.12709664616Illuminate\View\View->getContents( ).../View.php:191
110.12709665312Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/views/pages/single-port.blade.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 101; protected $lastPage = 9; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'BEBRU'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../View.php:208
120.12719665848Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 101; protected $lastPage = 9; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'BEBRU'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../CompilerEngine.php:73
130.12719682488Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem->getRequire( $path = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php', $data = ['__env' => class Illuminate\View\Factory { protected $engines = class Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver { ... }; protected $finder = class Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder { ... }; protected $events = class Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $container = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { ... }; protected $shared = [...]; protected $extensions = [...]; protected $composers = [...]; protected $renderCount = 1; protected $renderedOnce = [...]; protected $pathEngineCache = [...]; protected $normalizedNameCache = [...]; protected $componentStack = [...]; protected $componentData = [...]; protected $currentComponentData = [...]; protected $slots = [...]; protected $slotStack = [...]; protected $fragments = [...]; protected $fragmentStack = [...]; protected $sections = [...]; protected $sectionStack = [...]; protected $loopsStack = [...]; protected $pushes = [...]; protected $prepends = [...]; protected $pushStack = [...]; protected $translationReplacements = [...] }, 'app' => class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Plugin { protected $resolved = [...]; protected $bindings = [...]; protected $methodBindings = [...]; protected $instances = [...]; protected $scopedInstances = [...]; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $abstractAliases = [...]; protected $extenders = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $buildStack = [...]; protected $with = [...]; public $contextual = [...]; public $contextualAttributes = [...]; protected $reboundCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $globalAfterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $beforeResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $resolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingCallbacks = [...]; protected $afterResolvingAttributeCallbacks = [...]; protected $basePath = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp'; protected $appPath = NULL; protected $configPath = NULL; protected $databasePath = NULL; protected $serviceProviders = [...]; protected $loadedProviders = [...]; protected $deferredServices = [...]; public string $entryFile = '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/evo-core-wp.php'; protected $hooks = class EvoMark\EvoCoreWp\Hooks { ... } }, 'title' => 'Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium', 'port' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\Models\Port { protected $connection = 'default'; protected $table = 'ports'; protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $keyType = 'int'; public $incrementing = TRUE; protected $with = [...]; protected $withCount = [...]; public $preventsLazyLoading = FALSE; protected $perPage = 15; public $exists = TRUE; public $wasRecentlyCreated = FALSE; protected $escapeWhenCastingToString = FALSE; protected $attributes = [...]; protected $original = [...]; protected $changes = [...]; protected $casts = [...]; protected $classCastCache = [...]; protected $attributeCastCache = [...]; protected $dateFormat = NULL; protected $appends = [...]; protected $dispatchesEvents = [...]; protected $observables = [...]; protected $relations = [...]; protected $touches = [...]; public $timestamps = TRUE; public $usesUniqueIds = FALSE; protected $hidden = [...]; protected $visible = [...]; protected $fillable = [...]; protected $guarded = [...]; protected $dates = [...] }, 'featuredImage' => NULL, 'page' => 1, 'cruises' => class EvoMark\EvoCruises\FrontendResources\WordpressPaginator { protected $items = class Illuminate\Support\Collection { ... }; protected $perPage = 12; protected $currentPage = 1; protected $path = '/'; protected $query = [...]; protected $fragment = NULL; protected $pageName = 'page'; public $onEachSide = 3; protected $options = [...]; protected $total = 101; protected $lastPage = 9; public string $resourceClass = *uninitialized*; public string $baseUrl = ''; public string $formatter = 'page/%#%/'; public array $queryArgs = [...] }, 'initialSearch' => ['port' => 'BEBRU'], 'componentName' => NULL, 'attributes' => class Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag { protected $attributes = [...] }, 'getFeaturedImage' => class Closure { public $function = 'EvoMark\\EvoTailIt\\PagePort::getFeaturedImage'; public $this = class EvoMark\EvoTailIt\PagePort { ... }; public $parameter = [...] }, 'ignoredParameterNames' => class Illuminate\View\InvokableComponentVariable { protected $callable = class Closure { ... } }] ).../PhpEngine.php:58
140.12719683280Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::Illuminate\Filesystem\{closure:/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/plugins/evo-core-wp/vendor/illuminate/filesystem/Filesystem.php:120-124}( ).../Filesystem.php:124
150.12719685296require( '/home/deluxecruises/public_html/wp-content/themes/evo-tail-it/cache/views/9ef41676c6e6a25a0d6f52e8dc72ce1a.php ).../Filesystem.php:123

Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium Itineraries

10 Nights

Rhine Connoisseur: Montreux to Brussels - Northbound

Cruise Line Tauck
Cruise Type River
Ship MS Grace
Region Rhine
Departure Port Basel
Destination Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Basel, Basel, Basel, Basel, Strasbourg, Koblenz, Düsseldorf, Gorinchem, Antwerp, Brussel (Bruxelles) and Brussel (Bruxelles)

From £6,390pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
29 Sep 24
7 Nights

Hidden Waterways of Flanders and Holland - Southbound

Cruise Line Tauck
Cruise Type River
Ship MS Esprit
Region Dutch Waterways
Departure Port Amsterdam
Destination Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Gorinchem, Brugge (Bruges), Brugge (Bruges), Brussel (Bruxelles) and Brussel (Bruxelles)

From £5,870pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
06 Oct 24
7 Nights

Hidden Waterways of Flanders and Holland - Northbound

Cruise Line Tauck
Cruise Type River
Ship MS Grace
Region Dutch Waterways
Departure Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Destination Port Amsterdam
Brussel (Bruxelles), Antwerp, Brugge (Bruges), Brugge (Bruges), Gorinchem, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Amsterdam

From £4,310pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
09 Oct 24
10 Nights

Rhine Connoisseur: Brussels to Montreux - Southbound

Cruise Line Tauck
Cruise Type River
Ship MS Esprit
Region Rhine
Departure Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Destination Port Basel
Brussel (Bruxelles), Antwerp, Gorinchem, Düsseldorf, Boppard, Mannheim, Strasbourg, Basel, Basel, Montreux and Basel

From £5,910pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
13 Oct 24
10 Nights

Rhine Connoisseur: Montreux to Brussels - Northbound

Cruise Line Tauck
Cruise Type River
Ship MS Esprit
Region Rhine
Departure Port Basel
Destination Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Basel, Basel, Basel, Basel, Strasbourg, Koblenz, Düsseldorf, Gorinchem, Antwerp, Brussel (Bruxelles) and Brussel (Bruxelles)

From Please Call

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
17 Oct 24
7 Nights

Best of Holland & Belgium

Cruise Line Ama Waterways
Cruise Type River
Ship AmaPrima
Region Dutch Waterways
Departure Port Amsterdam
Destination Port Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Veere, Gent (Ghent), Brussel (Bruxelles), Antwerp, Dordrecht, Dordrecht and Amsterdam

From Please Call

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
23 Oct 24
10 Nights

Rhine Connoisseur: Brussels to Montreux - Southbound

Cruise Line Tauck
Cruise Type River
Ship MS Esprit
Region Rhine
Departure Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Destination Port Basel
Brussel (Bruxelles), Antwerp, Gorinchem, Düsseldorf, Boppard, Mannheim, Strasbourg, Basel, Basel, Montreux and Basel

From £7,390pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
27 Oct 24
7 Nights

Best of Holland & Belgium

Cruise Line Ama Waterways
Cruise Type River
Ship AmaCerto
Region Dutch Waterways
Departure Port Amsterdam
Destination Port Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Veere, Gent (Ghent), Brussel (Bruxelles), Antwerp, Dordrecht, Dordrecht and Amsterdam

From £4,276pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
13 Nov 24
7 Nights

Belgian Holiday Markets

Cruise Line Uniworld
Cruise Type River
Ship S.S. Victoria
Region Dutch Waterways
Departure Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Destination Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Brussel (Bruxelles), Gent (Ghent), Antwerp, Hasselt, Maastricht, Antwerp, Brussel (Bruxelles) and Brussel (Bruxelles)

From £4,099pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
25 Nov 24
7 Nights

Belgian Holiday Markets

Cruise Line Uniworld
Cruise Type River
Ship S.S. Victoria
Region Dutch Waterways
Departure Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Destination Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Brussel (Bruxelles), Gent (Ghent), Antwerp, Hasselt, Maastricht, Antwerp, Brussel (Bruxelles) and Brussel (Bruxelles)

From £5,799pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
02 Dec 24
7 Nights

Yuletide Spirit: Amsterdam to Brussels - Southbound

Cruise Line Tauck
Cruise Type River
Ship MS Grace
Region Dutch Waterways
Departure Port Amsterdam
Destination Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Gouda, Rotterdam, Brugge (Bruges), Antwerp, Brussel (Bruxelles) and Brussel (Bruxelles)

From Please Call

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
06 Dec 24
7 Nights

Belgian Holiday Markets

Cruise Line Uniworld
Cruise Type River
Ship S.S. Victoria
Region Dutch Waterways
Departure Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Destination Port Brussel (Bruxelles)
Brussel (Bruxelles), Gent (Ghent), Antwerp, Hasselt, Maastricht, Antwerp, Brussel (Bruxelles) and Brussel (Bruxelles)

From £5,799pp

Plus substantial savings from Deluxe Cruises

Departure Date
09 Dec 24